Feminism & Marriage: The Hard Truth About Feminism's War on the Nuclear Family & Traditional Marriage

Feminism And Marriage: The Hard Truth About Feminism’s War On The Nuclear Family and Traditional Marriage

Feminism and marriage are two intertwined facts.  As women become more feminist, marriage is affected. Birth rates are affected. And women in general are affected.

Feminism used to be a movement of equality.  The original feminist movement worked tirelessly to establish equal rights in both the private and public spheres for men and women.  Women gained the right to vote and be active in politics.  Feminism was a liberation movement, but it was not the same liberation that modern feminists propagate.

Original feminism was not obsessed with making men and women indistinguishable.  It was not about tearing men down and swapping genders.  It was simply to gain women an equal standing with men so that they were not seen as any sort of property or slave or unequal voice in a vote.


Everyone strives to be happy.  We earn money, we switch jobs, we take a vacation, we plant new flowers.  We do these things to obtain happiness.

At Turning Point USA’s Young Women’s Leadership Summit, Candace Owens, founder of BLEXIT, asked a provocative question.  

“She told the crowd to ‘pause’ and ask the following question: ‘Who is the most extreme feminist you know today?’

“Owens named Handler, Dunhnam, Sarah Silverman, and Alyssa Milano as some that came to mind.

“‘Ask yourself a very simple question: Do you think those women are happy?’ she asked.  ‘There’s no chance that they’re happy.’

“‘That is why I believe feminism is a scam,’ she continued.  ‘It’s not about uplifting women. It’s about tearing women down’” (Breitbart).

Wowee!  Candace Owens does it again!  The radical feminists of today are not happy.  Many of them don’t have husbands, or they have divorced and remarried a couple of times.  Many of them don’t have close relationships with their kids (if they have any children at all).  

These women are the epitome of freedom – they have broken the chains of male oppression and risen above any and all hurdles in their way.  So why aren’t they happy?

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Isabel Brown, Turning Point USA Contributor, writes, “Feminism used to be about making men and women truly equal in society by celebrating our differences.  Now, the most woke feminists among us are determined to erase femininity all together.”

Men and women are biologically different in their body size and shape, the way they think and react to situations, and the way they operate in society.  You can look up any number of studies on the difference between men and women.  Any marriage book will explain the emotional and mental side of a relationship and that difference.  

When a feminist says that a man and a woman can be (or should be) the same, she is making a grave mistake that her predecessors would not agree with.  When feminists use false data and statistics to “prove” that women are not treated equally with men, they are taking their second misstep.

Moreover, Dennis Prager writes for Townhall, feminism’s main goal is to make women strong and unafraid.  Has feminism achieved this goal?

No!  Prager writes, “Feminism has created what is undoubtedly the weakest generation of women in American history.  My grandmother, who never heard the word ‘feminist’ and never graduated high school, was incomparably stronger than almost any college-educated feminist I have ever encountered, or the many I have listened to and read.

“Modern feminists are afraid of life.  They are afraid of differences of opinion.  And they’re especially afraid of men.”

Women today suffer from depression “at twice the rate of men”, and clinical depression is continually on the rise.

Could it be that as women stuff down any natural instincts to be a mother and loving wife and replace those instincts with a career and hardened perspective of life filled with male oppression… that they miss the main point of life?

As social media continues to be a part of people’s everyday life, women are continually absorbing the idea that they are “clickable profiles” and nothing more.

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When I was a little kid, I saw lots of pregnant women and young mothers wrangling their kids when I would accompany my mom to the grocery store.  Today, it is rare to see a young mother.  It is rare to see an expecting mother. 

The fertility rate is falling drastically, and women don’t have any desire to have more kids.

The BBC reports that women in 1950 “were having an average of 4.7 children in their lifetime.”  However, “researchers at the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation showed the global fertility rate nearly halved to 2.4 in 2017 – and their study, […] projects it will fall below 1.7 by 2100.”

Twenty-three nations are projected “to see their populations halve by 2100” (BBC).


Aside from the falling birth rate, marriage rates are also declining as young people prefer to live together for several years and later get married.

Brides reports, “The average to get married in the UK has finally tipped over the 30-year-old mark.  In the US, the average age of marriage has also been increasing – many point to the average age of men being 29 and women being 27.”

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Feminism and Marriage: The Full-Circle Effects

As women become angry, men become weak, couples stop marrying, and no one loves children anymore.  Is it any wonder that the family unit in America has fallen apart?  Feminism is destroying the family in America, and every woman is told she is doing the right thing by shunning wifehood and motherhood in favor of a career and money.

Now, perhaps I should clarify a few things.  If you are young, single, and want to be married (i.e. yours truly), there is nothing wrong with you, and you should be working a job, earning money, and contributing to society.  

If you are a wife or husband, and as a couple, you can’t have kids, again, there is nothing wrong with you.  

However, as women, it is our choice to choose whether to be angry and demeaning toward the men in our life.  It is our choice whether we will have a kind, servant’s heart or a malicious, cold attitude.


Every day brings a struggle to choose the right attitude, to treat other people right, and to be kind.  Every day, we have to double-think our decisions and how we act. 

We, especially as women, must be so careful who we look up to.  If we admire and imitate the great feminists of today, we will become like them.  If we admire and imitate the down-to-earth (and perhaps lesser-known) wives and mothers around us who, although taking action in the public sphere while voting and even earning money, love their husbands and children and build up the men around them rather than tearing them down.

Feminism is destroying marriage, families, and children.  It’s time to stop the destruction and start the development of traditional marriage roles for men and women.  Let the man take the lead and do the heavy lifting.  It’s okay for us women to have the babies, do the cooking, and make a beautiful home for our husbands and children.

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