H.R. 619

H.R. 619: Protecting Babies Who Survive Abortion

Visit Voter Voice to urge your congressional representatives to sign H.R. 619!

Imagine having survived a brutal attack in an alleyway, alone on a dark night.  No one was around to help you.  A group of gangsters hit you, break your bones, and leave you bloody and alone, barely conscious.

You survive… but barely.  Years later, you live to tell the story about how you dragged yourself to the nearest convenience store and dimly remember asking the stunned cashier to call an ambulance.  

The attackers were never found, and you suffered headaches for years as a consequence of their beating.

Now just imagine that you are a baby who survived an abortion attempt.  You are wounded, brutalized, but you are alive.  You are a survivor… but barely.  Your life hangs in the balance of the medical clinic you entered the world in.

The question concerning your life is this: are you a human with those “certain inalienable rights” granted to all Americans?

H.R. 619: Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act

H.R. 619 gives legal protection to babies who survive an abortion attempt.  

Filing a Discharge Petition in Congress on April 14

“On April 12, House Republican Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.), Representative Ann Wagner (R-Mo.), and Representative Kat Cammack ($-Fl.) announced that Rep. Cammack will file the discharge petition for the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act on April 14th during the day’s first vote series” (Wagner.house.gov).

This discharge petition ensures that this legislation will pass immediately upon receiving the proper number of signatures.

“At any point in this Congress, upon receiving 218 signatures, this discharge petition would force floor consideration of the Born Alive Act, with no amendments or procedural tactics in order, and proceed to a final vote” (Republican Whip, Representative Scalise).

Urge Your Congressional Representatives to Add Their Signature!

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What H.R. 619 Is

1. Requires Proper Care For a Survivor Baby

H.R. 619 states that if a baby survives an abortion, it should be given “immediate admission to a hospital” and requires healthcare practitioners to “exercise the same degree of professional skill, care, and diligence to preserve the life and health of the child as a reasonably diligent and conscientious health care practictioner would render to any other child born alive at the same gestational age” (H.R. 619, Congress.gov).

Health practitioners who do not comply with transferring the baby to a hospital and reporting any violations can be fined and/or face up to five years in prison (H.R. 619, Congress.gov).

2. Criminalizes Murder Of Survivor Babies

The bill continues its protection of surviving babies as it states, “whoever intentionally performs or attempts to perform an overt act that kills a child born alive […] shall be punished […] for intentionally killing or attempting to kill a human being” (H.R. 619, Congress.gov).  

If the abortionist kills the baby who survived the first murder attempt, the abortionist will face legal repercussions for murder or attempted murder.

RELATED: What Is H.R. 1?  Ten Things You Should Know About It.

3. Protection For the Mother

Finally, H.R. 619 allows the mother upon whom the abortion was attempted to take civil action against any individual who violated the terms of care for the baby.  According to H.R. 619, Congress.gov, this includes the following three categories:

  1. Collecting money for physical and psychological harm
  2. Collecting “statutory damages equal to 3 times the cost of the abortion or attempted abortion.”
  3. Collecting “punitive damages.”

The mother would also have a legal case if she decided to take her situation to court after her baby was harmed after surviving an abortion (Wagner.house.gov). 

Take Action!

Let your representatives know that you stand with the unborn.  Let your voice be heard, and stand with us to end infanticide!

Just as you were still a human being in the allegorical beating in the introductory paragraph, so the baby who survives an attempted abortion is still a human with a soul and a whole life before him or her.

Stand with the unborn, and end infanticide.

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