What Is the Abortion Pill? And Is It Safe?

What Is The Abortion Pill and Is It Safe?

What is the abortion pill really?  The abortion pill is touted as a safe, private way to have an abortion within the comforts of a woman’s home.  Planned Parenthood’s website is chock full of instructions and reassurances of the pill’s secure ease-of-use.  But is all this true?

Is the abortion pill really safe?  Does it really set the mother back on her path to success?  Or does it kill a part of her – her emotional and physical health.  What does a mother-to-be really experience and see when she takes that tiny pill?

What Is the Abortion Pill?

According to Planned Parenthood, the “‘abortion pill’ is the common name for using two different medicines to end a pregnancy: mifepristone and misoprostol.

“First, you take a pill called mifepristone.  Pregnancy [i.e. a baby] needs a hormone called progesterone to grow normally.  Mifepristone blocks your body’s own progesterone, stopping the pregnancy from growing.

“Then you take the second medicine, misoprostol, either right away or up to 48 hours later.  This medicine causes cramping and bleeding to empty your uterus.  It’s kind of like having a really heavy, crampy period, and the process is very similar to an early miscarriage.”

Planned Parenthood distinctly avoids the word “baby” or “life” in its instructions on using the pill.  When using logic to tackle a question (is the abortion pill safe and good for women?), we have to objectively look at all sides, and the fact is that there are three lives involved in this process: the father, the mother, and the baby.  The basic family unit.  When one life in this sequence is extinguished, everyone suffers.

What the Abortion Pill REALLY Does

Let’s step away, for a moment, from the unobjective, sterile description that Planned Parenthood uses and examine what really happens when a woman uses the abortion pill.

The abortion pill is approved to be taken up to the tenth week of pregnancy, “although the abortion industry openly admits to using it for weeks after that (Live Action).  

What do we know about the first ten weeks of a child’s development in the womb?  The following timeline is borrowed from Live Action.

Week 5-6: The mom finds out she is pregnant, the baby’s digestive system and lungs start to form, and a heartbeat can be detected!

Week 7: The eyes are starting to form.

Week 8: The brain’s activity can be recorded.

Week 10: The “baby is about an inch and a quarter (1.25 inches) long, all vital organs are in place, and the teeth are starting to harden and connect to the jaw line” (Live Action). 

When a woman pops the first pill, mifepristone, and swallows it, it blocks her progesterone, like Planned Parenthood explained, but what does it do to the baby?  A baby has to have progesterone to grow and get nutrients, so mifepristone effectively starves the baby to death.

The good news in all of this is that after you take mifepristone, there is still a chance to save your baby!  If the mother gets an injection of progesterone soon after taking mifepristone, the surge in progesterone can give the baby the nutrients it needs and allow it to start growing normally, but this progesterone has to be administered quickly after the first pill.

If you or a friend want to cancel your abortion after the first pill, visit the website below or call 1-855-209-4848. 

The second drug is misprostol, taken 24-48 hours after the first pill, and by this time, the baby is already dead.  According to Planned Parenthood, this stage is easy – just a few days of heavy bleeding and some bad cramping, and you’ll be fine.

Alex Clark, host of Poplitics, asks the golden question: “How easy is it really?  Well, you’ll be experiencing excruciating cramping, bleeding, headaches, vomiting, nausea, and contractions for hours and sometimes even days. […] But don’t worry!  According to Planned Parenthood, that’s completely normal.”

What does all this cramping and bleeding do in the long run?  It expels the dead child from a woman’s uterus.  And then, even worse, after the baby is expelled, the mother “will be responsible for disposing of her dead baby on her own, usually by flushing the baby down the toilet. The woman is likely to see either the pregnancy sack containing her baby or identifiable baby parts” (Live Action).

The horrors of this process are sterilized and sanded over to make it sound “sanitary” and safe.  But this is not a clean, safe, or easy process for the mother or the child.  It’s a horrific experience of death and pain, both mental and physical.

Once the baby is expelled and disposed of, the FDA reports that “women can expect bleeding to last 9-16 days, while 8% (1 in 12 women) experience bleeding for more than 30 days, and 1% (1 in 100 women) require intervention (Live Action).

The video below gives a non-graphic demonstration of what the abortion pill really does.

Is the Abortion Pill Safe?

Regardless of Planned Parenthood’s claims of safety and ease-of-use, the abortion pill is not safe.  For one, it kills a child – a living, human being.  For two, it puts a woman’s life at risk.

The abortion pill was approved in 2000, and since then, dozens of women have died, and thousands of adverse effects have been reported, including hemorrhaging and infections.  

Isabel Brown states, “Since 2000, there have been 4,200 reported cases of adverse effects from the abortion pill, including 1,042 hospitalizations excluding death, 599 blood loss experiences requiring blood transfusions, 412 infections, 69 of which were sever, and 24 maternal deaths.”

Unfortunately, these adverse effects reports are ignored, and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has received monumental pressure to remove safety standards (under the Risk Evaluation and Mitigation System [REMS]).

Under REMS, “one of the two drugs in the abortion pill protocol” is required to be administered in “certain healthcare settings” (i.e. clincs/hospitals), and the abortion pill is one of only a few medications that “actually require REMS”, showing just how dangerous it really is (Live Action).

The Mental Ramifications of An Abortion

Not only do women suffer physically from an abortion (either chemical or surgical), but they also suffer extreme mental consequences.

Physicians for Life report that 30-50 percent of women who had an abortion suffer sexual dysfunction, approximately 60% struggle with suicidal thoughts or attempts, women are twice as likely start smoking heavily, they are extremely likely to start alcohol or drug abuse, many couples struggle in their relationships after an abortion, and “women with a prior abortion experience are four times more likely to abort a current pregnancy than those with no prior abortion history.”

This does not mean that every woman who has an abortion will do it again.  There are uncountable stories of women who killed a child and went on to have multiple children and loving families.  But the risk is real for other women, and we need to be honest about it.

Is the Abortion Pill a Real Abortion?

So is the abortion pill a real abortion?

Alex Clark makes the case “that taking the abortion pill is still having an abortion… it’s just a different method in how the killing is done.  The abortion pill kills with poison.  A surgical abortion kills with suction, forceps and scizzors.  If someone you know is murdered, does it matter if they were killed because they were dismembered or poisoned?  No.”

Murder is murder, no matter the method or intentions.  

“As of 2017, the abortion pill accounted for 40% of all U.S. abortions.  Out of a total of 862,320 abortions, the abortion pill was used 339,640 times” (Live Action).

There is no doubt that the abortion pill is a real abortion and really kills a child and causes permanent damage to a mother, whether physically, mentally, or emotionally.


It’s not a question of “should we stand up against abortion?”  It’s a question of “will you stand up against abortion?”

It’s a must.  Life is precious.  It’s precious at all stages, whether at the fetus stage or the toddler stage or the adult stage.

If you have had an abortion, all hope is not lost, and you are not a horrible person.  You can still find forgiveness and healing and even raise a wonderful family.  As pro-lifers, sometimes our signs and rallies on street corners by abortion clinics can come across as harsh to a timid, scared woman who doesn’t know what she will do with the baby inside her.  But pro-lifers love all lives – both the mom and the child.  

There are options after birth: adoption being one of them.

And there are options right after you take the abortion pill.  If you need help now, call the abortion reversal pill number. 


And now that you have facts and numbers under your belt, reach out to people in your life and take a stand against the murder of babies with a spirit of love and a spirit of boldness.

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