How To Train Your Socialist Teacher: Socialist Teachers Are Infiltrating American Schools

Socialist Teachers Are Infiltrating American Schools.

Here’s an alarming statement: Socialist teachers are infiltrating your local school.  It’s right on their website in an article titled “Why Socialists Should Become Teachers”.

Now if you think I’m overreacting to some far-out conspiracy theory, I would ask you to keep reading and make up your mind at the end of the article.  The signs that this IS happening and HAS been happening for some time are good causes for great concern.

Why Should Socialists Become Teachers?

The question that begs to be asked is, “Why should socialists become teachers?”  The article mentioned above outlines it all, but to summarize it quickly, socialists need power, and to get power, they must create tiny activists out of your children.

Think I sound crazy?  Listen to what the article says.

First, it’s important to remember that the modern education system has its roots in the philosopher John Dewey who wrote extensively “about the role of education in a healthy, ever-evolving democratic society,” and he believed classrooms aren’t just a place to study social change, but a place to spark social change.

When education evolves from math, science, reading, and unbiased history into activism, it becomes a John Dewey/Saul Alinsky dream come true.

As Saul Alinsky writes in his book Rules for Radicals, “The function of an organizer is to raise questions that agitate, that break through the accepted pattern” (pg. 112).  Socialist teacher unions do just that.

How Do Socialists Become Teachers?

Teachers can bring their socialist agenda into the workforce easily enough: through teacher’s unions.  The article cites a teacher’s union strike in West Virginia as teachers, parents, and students banded together to fight for higher wages and combatting fossil fuel usage.

At the end of the strike, the article lauds the fact that “many teachers and service personnel have begun to view politics through the lens of class consciousness” (i.e. racism and sexism) and “with socialists active in our organizing, we’ll be [able] to make bold visionary demands to take on the capitalist class.”

The teacher’s unions take a different approach from other strikes where socialists shout their angry slogans from behind picket lines.  No… these socialist “teachers were able to alter the direction of the movement from within” the schools.

If this dystopian verbiage isn’t sending shivers up your back, hang onto your chair because there’s more.

Whoever Owns the Children Owns the Future

Socialists understand Hitler’s quote in 1935 that, “He alone who owns the youth gains the future.”

Teachers are encouraged that they are the ones “who train, both socially and technically, the workers of the future.”  If socialists can land jobs as teachers, their goal of activism is already accomplished.  

How Teachers Can Start Social Change In the Classroom

1. No Ethics

There are numerous articles detailing how socialists bring a Leftist agenda to life in the classroom, but one of the most obvious is to stop teaching ethics.  

Gary Keogh (ironically a professor of Religion and Theology at the University of Manchester) writes that, “If we want education to be truly socially progressive then teaching students right and wrong can be counter-productive: it can be socially inhibiting and even regressive.”

Morality is not part of socialism’s agenda.  Socialism encourages selfish thinking and laziness.  Why would socialist teachers educate students on right and wrong when that would go against their agenda?

2. Teach Students How to Think, Not What to Think

This goes right in line with a feelings-oriented logic.  Students can be guided in “how to think (and that their thoughts have weight and value and should be pursued) rather than what to think.”

It’s that common question, “How do you feel?” instead of, “Is this morally right or wrong?” or “What do you think?”

Life isn’t about feelings.  It’s about logic and morality.  Sometimes feelings don’t fall in line with biblical morals, and that’s when feelings are not the way to go.

3. Remind Students That Change Is Needed

The generation we are raising up today will be the leaders of tomorrow.  But the fact that socialists are saying we need to brainwash children into remembering “the moral failings of our generation in the same way that we can now point out how our ancestors were wrong about slavery, women’s rights, and other questions” is concerning.

It’s as if the socialists want the kids to cancel the very teachers who are teaching them!

Want to read more about cancel culture?  Read Defining Cancel Culture.

Why Socialist Teachers Are Bad For America

Socialist teacher unions do not do good for America.  Why?  Think about all the COVID shutdowns across America.  Kids were at home with abusive families, no food, poor education, and no social interaction.  And California teachers unions wouldn’t go back to school and do their job unless the state added a wealthy tax, defunded the police, and passed medicare for all.

As Morgan Zegers says, they were “using our kids as political pawns” in their social agenda.

As teachers take activist stances in their jobs, a Leftist agenda trickles down and waters the kids growing up in the system.  For example, school social worker Audrey Murph-Brown in Springfield, MA poured her efforts into increasing “diversity” in her school.  The result?  When the school’s hiring practices have evolved to the point that the principal lists ethnicity on the application to keep track of what ethnicities are applying.

This might sound good at first thought, but it’s not.  Traditionally, HR was not supposed to know or pay attention to ethnicity or guess what culture you were from.  We were color-blind.  But color-blind is now racist, we are told, and now we have to consider ethnicity in our hiring practices.

We’re moving backward not forward!

Racism Gone Woke: Original Definitions

Racism Gone Woke: How The Definition of Racism Has Changed.

Jesse Hagopian from Seattle, Washington gloats over the fact that students in his school have established Islamophobia global awareness day, and they convinced the school board to endorse Black Lives Matter.  The problem is most Americans are not hostile to the Islam religion, so why establish a day to combat a hostility that doesn’t exist?  To remind ourselves that we should have some fear deep down inside us of them?

And endorsing BLM is anti-family and anti-America and racist at its core.  Why are we celebrating it?

Because it is the woke diversity that the Leftists want.

Diversity Gone Woke

Diversity Gone Woke: Diversity No Long Means What You Think It Means

How To Stop Socialists From Infiltrating Your School

Socialism in your school, right in your city or county, is a real danger.  

How do you stop it?  You get involved in your school board, you pay attention during elections, and you monitor what your kid is learning in school.

Don’t fall for the trap that socialism is good, and your kid will be a better person if they participate in social justice activism.  Education is not about activism and race.  It’s about learning to read and use logic and do the math so that when students encounter racist or sexist situations, they have the knowledge under the belt to know that it’s wrong and to combat it in the way that is best.  They will know that throughout history, socialism and communism don’t work.  They will know how to think for themselves, not to think how their socialist teacher told them to think.

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