What Is The Great Reset? And How Will It Affect You?

What Is The Great Reset? And How Will It Affect You?

What is the great reset?  This question is something I hear so many people asking.  They want to know what it will do to them, how the economy will function, and what they can do to take action against it and protect themselves.

Conservatives everywhere are sounding the alarm about the Great Reset, but if you didn’t know better, you’d still think the Great Reset was 20 years away.  In reality, aspects of the Great Reset are already here.  Let’s take a deep dive into, “What Is the Great Reset, and what will life look like inside this new world?”

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Read the sister post to learn more about the Metaverse and the Great Reset!


In any discussion about the Great Reset, stakeholder capitalism is sure to come up.  

It all started with the Davos Manifesto in 2020 during the World Economic Forum’s meeting that declared a new type of capitalism.

Stakeholder capitalism “positions private corporations as trustees of society, and is clearly the best response to today’s social and environmental challenges” (World Economic Forum).

Stakeholder capitalism sounds great on the surface and requires that “companies should pay their fair share of taxes, show zero tolerance for corruption, uphold human rights throughout their global supply chains, and advocate for a competitive level playing field – particularly in the ‘platform economy’” (World Economic Forum).

The Great Reset has a goal of “steer[ing] the market toward fairer outcomes” via the government, trade, and taxes. 

Anyone who investments in these now-equitable companies must also “advance shared goals, such as equality and sustainability”.  But how will these investments advance equality and sustainability? 

The World Economic Forum clarifies by saying government spending plans will achieve these goals. 

The Great Reset also plans “to harness the innovations of the Fourth Industrial Revolution to support the public good, especially by addressing health and social challenges” (World Economic Forum).  They reference the recent COVID-19 pandemic as an example of the need for new advances to fight “health and social challenges”.

However, after all the dust settles, the Davos Manifesto makes it clear that not all companies will be able to uphold these high standards.  Somehow, they must be kept accountable – and accountability will no longer be happening through free markets and supply and demand.  These corporations will be monitored by a new social rating score called an ESG.

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In an interview with Alex Clark (Turning Point USA Contributor), Jack Posobeic shed some light on what the new social rating score (called an ESG) will look like in real life.

ESG stands for Economic, Social, and Governance, and it’s a score that each company will have to attain and maintain.

“ESG is a corporate credit score,” Posobeic says.  “Everyone is being given a rating. […] If these companies want to get a loan, they have to get an ESG score.”

Posobeic’s words are echoed by Greenstone, a financial software company, that says, “Businesses with more genuine environmental, social, and governance (ESG) profiles have, and will continue to exceed their peers.”

Our next question is this: who controls these ESG scores?

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BlackRock is a “$9 trillion investing monster run by Larry Fink [and] may be the most powerful financial firm in the world because it holds shares in large doses of so many big companies and thus can direct corporate policy” (New York Post).

BlackRock is also buying up American neighborhoods and renting them – not selling.  If you have noticed house prices skyrocketing, BlackRock is largely to blame.  They are buying up so much land that their monopoly is threatening middle-class citizens with a life of rentals – not ownership.

In June 2021, it was estimated that by the end of 2021, “BlackRock could have as many as 150 so-called exchange-traded funds that adhere to ESG standards”, causing the price of ETFs (which exist to keep trading fees lower than regular fund fees) to inflate (New York Post).

BlackRock has shoved the creation of ESG to the forefront of world economics and finances because it can control companies through the ESG.  BlackRock (and other investing firms like Vanguard) own large companies completely.   If these corporations (like Coca Cola or Pepsi) want to get a loan, they must have a good ESG score.  And who does this new ESG score benefit?

Black Rock and other money management firms.  Posobeic says, “These reforms are not being pushed through the courts and laws.  Instead, the Federal Reserve gives loans, and these reforms will trickle through the courts.  Black Rock alone manages $9 trillion.  Everyone is getting rich and doing insider trading.”


Life inside the Great Reset will look very different compared to our lives today.  Not only does the Great Reset tear down traditional capitalism and small economies within each country, it also tears down your daily life and rebuilds it in the image of the Great Reset.  Your life today will be forgotten in a swirl of new “Great Reset” styles.

Forbes featured an article titled “Welcome To 2030: I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy And Life Has Never Been Better.”  It gives us a snapshot of life after capitalism has been reset.

“Welcome to the year 2030. Welcome to my city – or should I say, ‘our city.’ I don’t own anything. I don’t own a car. I don’t own a house. I don’t own any appliances or any clothes.” (Forbes).

Communication goes completely digital… and free.  No one has cars – they call “a driverless vehicle or a flying car” at low cost and zero traffic jams and carbon emissions.  

The article continues: “In our city we don’t pay any rent, because someone else is using our free space whenever we do not need it. My living room is used for business meetings when I am not there.” 

No one owns kitchen appliances anymore.  If you do decide to cook (which is very rare), your “necessary kitchen equipment is delivered [to your] door within minutes. Since transport became free, we stopped having all those things stuffed into our home” (Forbes).

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Like to shop?  This future person in 2030 (not-so-future) says, “I can’t really remember what that is.  For most of us, it has been turned into choosing things to use. Sometimes I find this fun, and sometimes I just want the algorithm to do it for me. It knows my taste better than I do by now.”

AI and robots do most of the world’s work, and people simply engage in “thinking-time, creation-time and development-time.”

The people who live outside the new urban lifestyle (remember that the Great Reset will consolidate people into the cities), well, they were the ones “who decided that it became too much, all this technology. Those who felt obsolete and useless when robots and AI took over big parts of our jobs. Those who got upset with the political system and turned against it. They live different kind[s] of lives outside the city. Some have formed little self-supplying communities. Others just stayed in the empty and abandoned houses in small 19th century villages” (Forbes).

The article ends on an ominous note from this young person, living only nine years down the road:

“Once in a while[,] I get annoyed about the fact that I have no real privacy. Nowhere I can go and not be registered. I know that, somewhere, everything I do, think and dream of is recorded. I just hope that nobody will use it against me” (Forbes).


The Great Reset will focus on different types of food.  Bill Gates already made it clear that rich companies should transition from real meat to 100% synthetic meat.  He offers a word of encouragement to those of us who would rather eat real beef.

“‘You can get used to the taste difference, and the claim is they’re going to make it taste even better over time. Eventually, that green premium is modest enough that you can sort of change the [behavior of] people or use regulation to totally shift the demand. But […] the politics [are challenging]. There are all these bills that say it’s got to be called, basically, lab garbage to be sold. They don’t want us to use the beef label” (MSN).

Apparently, the backlash against Gates’s fake meat has been substantial.

Whatever you buy will be recorded and incorporated into your own social score.  Did you buy a gun? That probably will be a black mark. Did you rent Obama’s latest book? Probably a golden star.

Climate austerity (“the belief that the average man must tighten his belt and lower his standard of living […] to save the planet”) will drive all of our lives.  

All in all, the Great Reset requires you to rent everything, consume only digital media (paper books and magazines will be out), everyone will live according to a social credit system, housing and land will be centralized and rented, “‘racial equity’” will result in some “races” being treated better or worse than others, “enemies of the system” will not be tolerated, and wealth will be “concentrated in the hands of the regime and its allies” (Ammo).

Also Read: The Battle Is Not Political – It’s Spiritual.


Is it unprofessional to say, “What the heck is going on here?”

Have people skipped watching the sci-fi movies like The Maze Runner, The Hunger Games, and Matrix?  Did they not understand that those movies represent the reality we are hurtling toward if we don’t put a stop to the Great Reset?

The Great Reset poses the greatest threat to human independence since Hitler and the Third Reich and Mao’s China and Soviet Russia – except this time, the whole world, including the USA, is gobbling it up like candy.  We must put a stop to this. We must understand current events and be informed and resist.

Jack Posobeic offers two actions you can take.  The Great Reset can be stopped.  It can be changed.

But you have to understand what’s happening at a global, national, and local level.  You need to learn financial literacy so that when Black Rock buys all the middle-class income homes and tries to trick you into renting and not buying, you can come back with facts, understanding, and armed to help others.

Be informed, be bold, and know your values.  That’s the only way to stop this runaway train.  And make sure you own things. Don’t just rent your vehicles, clothes, and other things. Pay the upfront price and save your money.  Invest in assets like land.  Not the next greatest Apple watch that will record everything about you.

Take action.

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